
Grappling with a Legal Challenge? A Civil Litigation Attorney Can Help

A civil litigation attorney handles cases involving disputes between individuals and organizations. Going through civil litigation can be a particularly trying experience, which is why partnering with an experienced civil litigation attorney in Santa Rosa can help make the process less stressful.

What do Civil Litigation Attorneys do?

Civil litigation attorneys represent their clients in non-criminal cases such as alimony, personal injury, and discrimination cases. Your civil litigation attorney will educate you on your rights (as a defendant or plaintiff) and will make sure you understand every step of the legal process.

Civil law is complicated and your civil litigation attorney will help you navigate it. The professional will assist you with everything right from pre-trial documentation to the resolution of your case. In addition to representing you in court, they will collect evidence and interview witnesses to build a watertight case.

Civil cases can drag on for years. Litigation is usually emotionally draining, expensive, and time-consuming. An experienced attorney knows this and tries to keep disputes out of court, thus minimizing the duration of your civil case.

Your litigation attorney will try to strike a deal with the opposing party to settle the dispute amicably. The professional will negotiate a settlement during pre-trial hearings. However, if you and the other party do not arrive at an agreement, your attorney will take the matter to court.

When to Hire an Attorney?

How do I know if I need a civil litigation attorney?

This is one of the most common questions people grappling with legal issues ask. Hire an attorney if you need legal advice or are planning to take a dispute to court. An experienced civil litigation attorney will help you explore alternative dispute resolution options.

How Much Does a Civil Litigation Attorney Cost?

There is no definitive answer to this question. Some factors that will affect your attorney’s fees are:

  • the complexity of the case
  • your attorney’s experience and expertise
  • the number of hours the professional expects to work on your case
  • the number of additional attorneys or support staff they will need to represent you

While many lawyers work by the hour, some charge on a contingency basis, meaning they only collect their fee if the result is in their clients’ favor. Usually, a civil litigation attorney will agree to work on a contingency basis when the client has a solid case. If your lawyer takes your case on a contingency fee basis, they will charge you a percentage of the settlement amount.

Johnston & Associates Law consists of some of the most trusted civil litigation attorneys near you. We aggressively protect our clients’ rights and interests. Once our legal experts develop an in-depth understanding of your case, they will craft a legal strategy customized to fit your specific legal needs. To schedule a consultation, call us at +1(707)-545-6542.