
Business Lawyer in Santa Rosa

Finding An Attorney Who Fits Your Needs

Attorneys do complicated work and, misunderstanding the complexity of the law, some people choose the wrong legal representation. Some business clients look only at cost or settlement amounts or how many months a case took to settle. Wise business clients select business lawyers in other ways. A business lawyer in Santa Rosa should meet four key qualifications.

Achieve Quick Resolution

Look for a business lawyer whose goal is quick case resolution. Some attorneys drag legal matters out as long as possible. In some cases that is the best way to encourage a settlement. In most cases, though, a quick resolution is desirable.

Provide Hourly Rates

A successful business lawyer will charge by the hour, which is always the most cost-effective billing method for any business client.

Offer a Variety of Specializations

Expect the right business lawyer to be part of a firm handling more than one area of law. Business has many facets, and the more experience an attorney has with differing aspects of local law, the better that attorney will be at representing your interests. Common areas include, but are not limited to:

  • Commercial Finance
  • Construction Law
  • Business Law
  • Estate Planning
  • Nonprofit Law
  • Mortgage Banking
  • Probate
  • Trust Administration
  • Real Estate Law

Make Testimonials Available

See what others have to say about the legal firm you are thinking of hiring to represent your business interests. If others found their experience to have been professional, successful, and agreeable, that legal practice may also be right for you.

Recommended Options

The firm of Johnston & Associates, Attorneys at Law, offers many areas of business law expertise, including all those listed above. In addition, Johnston & Associates charges hourly, can provide testimonials, continuously strives for swift resolution, and is directly interested in meeting client needs. Contact them at (707) 200-1366 for a consultation today.