
Johnston Associates Law

What Makes a Legally Binding Contract?

A contract is an agreement between legal entities or people in which one party agrees to provide goods or perform services in exchange for money or other goods and services. To form a contract, there must be an offer and...
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What Is Probate Law?

Probate is the process that takes place after a person is deceased and requires the services of a competent probate lawyer in Santa Rosa such as those at the Law Offices of Johnston & Associates. What does it entail? Proving that...
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The Premiere Real Estate Attorney for Sonoma County

Real estate/real property is a broad term that comprises land and any immovable structure that is attached to it like buildings, trees, minerals and homes among many others. It also includes any rights, benefits and interests that are legally attached...
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Contract Attorney in Santa Rosa

How Many Contracts Have You Entered Into Today? When some people think about having to deal with a contract their anxiety level rises and they feel overwhelmed. Reality is, they probably enter into contracts every day. They just don’t realize...
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